… and this week the focus of Britney Spears, surprise, surprise. It seems that lately Britney is key player in the eyes of the media. Every week the tabloids have some kind of story on Ms. Britney Spears. This week, In Touch magazine claims she is “ripping out her hair, faking an overdose, and talking to herself.”
I wonder if maybe Britney is lashing out for attention? And guess what that’s exactly what she gets, every single week. Maybe all the media outlets should stop taking notice of Britney for a little while and see if maybe that will calm her down. Honestly, it’s getting to the point where readers are getting annoyed that ALL the main stories focus on either Britney or Jamie-Lynn (I know I am).
Is there really no such thing as bad publicity? Come on Brit. Calm down and stop trying to be the center of the