Friday, February 22, 2008

This week Kirstie Alley graces the cover of the National Enquirer (Feb. 25 issue) with the headline that reads, “Fired for being TOO FAT.” Okay enough is enough everyone knows that Kirstie is not superhuman and cannot maintain a size 2 waistline so what. For months on end, she has had to deal with a lot of attention concerning her fluctuating weight, but when will it end? She is only human and as everyone knows it’s hard to diet successfully.

The enquirer says, “The former ‘fat actress’ has packed on much of the 75 pounds she lost during her stint with Jenny Craig – and she’s once again dressing to camouflage her ever-expanding shape, which has ballooned past 200 pounds.” Keeping to a strict diet is challenging even for celebrities so how about cutting her a little slack.

“Kirstie is absolutely beside herself” the publication went on to say. Clearly, the woman is unhappy with her unsuccessful weight loss attempt, so what does the magazine find a need to post an unflattering picture of her on the cover? No wonder the media is blamed for being the cause of younger stars unhealthy obsession with being thin. Enough is enough already.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Desire for perfection

This week Star magazine (Feb. 18 issue) has decided to call out Ashley Tisdale on her desire to get breast enhancement surgery.

The young 22-year-old High School Musical star has recently confided in a friend that, after the success of her nose job in November, she wants to have more cosmetic surgery. The story says, “Ashley wants to increase her boob size to a small C cup.” The Source also goes on to explain that Ashley “wants to look like a woman.”

Automatically the tabloids were all over this I assume, OMG a star wants a boob job. Tell me though, where is there a story in that blurb of information? The media gobbles up these stories like a bunch of vultures. Has it ever been rationalized in the sense that the media is at fault for young girls’ desires to have cosmetic surgery? Everyone in show biz is thin, bronzed, and “flawless” which makes it hard for the up and coming stars to get noticed.

Celebrities need to step away from the knife and just embrace their natural beauty. Between boob jobs, nose jobs, and botox it makes me wonder is anyone in Hollywood not made of plastic. These stars should be motivated to feel good about themselves naturally and maybe Hollywood should stop idolizing the unnatural.

... and guess what since it is in industry that puts this pressure on celebrities Ashley shouldn't be pinpointed or ridiculed for her desire to be "perfect" - thats Hollywood for ya.