This week Star magazine decided they would publicize Queen Latifah’s struggle with weight loss. Miraculously, Star magazine was able to determine Queen Latifah’s weight quoting her to “tip the scale at just over 200 pounds”. Who gives them the right to judge anyone?
Weight loss is a struggle that many people are faced with and in no way is it the place of the media to publicly scrutinize celebrities for being “normal” and having troubling keeping on track with their diets. The article uses verbs such as “scarfing” to describe her eating habits and says that her “willpower must not be too good”.
There complete disregard for people’s feelings is absolutely appalling. I believe that the media is to blame for the weight obsession of both celebrities and common people. There is such a “demand” to be thin these days and the media seem to be at fault.
Congratulations to all you judgmental tabloid folk … you must have some deeply rooted complexes that cause you to focus on the flaws of others.