Friday, April 18, 2008

… and this week the focus of Britney Spears, surprise, surprise. It seems that lately Britney is key player in the eyes of the media. Every week the tabloids have some kind of story on Ms. Britney Spears. This week, In Touch magazine claims she is “ripping out her hair, faking an overdose, and talking to herself.”

I wonder if maybe Britney is lashing out for attention? And guess what that’s exactly what she gets, every single week. Maybe all the media outlets should stop taking notice of Britney for a little while and see if maybe that will calm her down. Honestly, it’s getting to the point where readers are getting annoyed that ALL the main stories focus on either Britney or Jamie-Lynn (I know I am).

Is there really no such thing as bad publicity? Come on Brit. Calm down and stop trying to be the center of the Hollywood gossip. Week after week these magazines are emphasizing how trashy the Spears family is and it’s a little repetitive and isn’t interesting anymore. Stop feeding into the cry for attention and maybe it will help Britney get back on track to normalcy.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

This week the ever-so-tasteful National Enquirer decided to do a spread on the “Best and Worst Reality TV Boob Jobs.” How tasteful is that topic? I think that it’s about time the media tones down its obsession with celebrities and plastic surgery. I think almost everyone knows that celebrities tend to go under the knife. There is no reason to print “then” and “now” pictures of these reality TV stars’ boobs.

It is usually pretty obvious when a celebrity has work done. There is no reason to plaster the pages of magazines with pictures of their “enhancements”. I guess this just goes to show that these tabloid magazines love exploiting the lives of celebrities and that they are running out of material to write about.

Just because they felt the need to change something about themselves it does not necessarily mean they did it to gain media attention.